Category: Hanga | Create

Recount Writing immersion Rotation

Recount: Immersion Rotation

WALT: structure a recount using detailed and descriptive language.
When people read this recount they should feel interested and excited. This week we have been finding out all our new topic for the term and you are going to write a recount about the immersion rotation we did on Monday. Complete the planning section below before you start writing your recount. 


Room 6 Room 6 was about songs with  emotions 
Room 7  Room seven was bus stop we had to draw words about the picture  
Room 8 Room 8 was like a game its was tallest to shortest in the front you had to guess the emotion to be in the front 
Room 9 Room nine was about saying words in another accent 
Room 10 Room ten was about taking pictures of yourself depends on the colour 


Start your writing here 

On the first day back to school our first rotation was room 6. We got to choose some song that was depending on the emotion, like sad. You would have to find a sad song that rotation was fun. Our next rotation is room 10.   The rotation is taking pictures of yourself depending on the colour. That one was cool for yellow. I made a sour face then you had to describe it for the next rotation we had room 9. That one was about saying words in another accent like saying up the wahs  in robotic  or saying like you’re sad. After that rotation we went to room 8 .For room8  we had to line up tallest to shortest so the first person in the line would have to act in an emotion and if someone guessed it then they would be in the front. To the the next emotion  after room 8 we had room 7 for room seven we did bus  stop so we had a piece of paper and there was people acting as a emotion so we first had a happy family so i wrote happy then miss parant said next tale so we had to rotate to the next table then after when we finished all of the classes we back to there class 

and we finished the day. My favourite class was rm 8 because we got to go outside and it was fun and also the activity that we had to do.