Category: Hanga | Create

Holiday Recount

 Holiday Recount

WALT: create a recount with a beginning, middle and end.
When people read this recount they should feel interested and excited. This week you are going to create a recount about your holiday, this can be real or made up! Use the class brainstorm from the jam board to help you get started:



Who, what, where, when, how and why?

My family at a beach to have fun 

What happened first?

We packed to go to the beach 

What happened in the middle?

We ate sausages and kfc 

What happened at the end?

We were very tired and hungry 

How did you feel about your experience?

It very fun because when i  float on my back it feels good 


Start your writing here 

During the holidays I went to the beach with my cousins and a few of my mom’s friends. It took us a long time to get there so I took a nap. When we got there we were looking for a place to sit. When we found a spot we went to swim for a few hours . Also the sand was black after When we finished swimming I took a shower then changed into my clothes. We ate then drank some soda and ate some food. It was good because I ate it with rice. When I got back home I ate some gravy and rice with some fried pork.