Tag: Writing

Manaiakalani Film Festival Blog Commenting

Task description: This week was the annual Maniakalani Film Festival! We were lucky enough to see our classes movie on the big screen at Hoyts. This week for our writing task we were able to watch some of the Manaiakalani Film Festival movies and create positive, thoughtful and helpful comments on the class blog of the movies. Here are some of the movies I watched and some of the comment that I left on some of the class blogs. Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

Manaiakalani Film Festival Presentation

Task description: This week we have been coming up with some creative ideas for our Manaiakalani film festival movie. My group thought decided that we should create a movie about the missing teacher. We had to present our ideas with the rest of the class to see what they thought of the idea. Here is a video of us sharing our idea with the rest of the class, what do you think?

Check out my video here!

Manaiakalani Film Festival Idea

Task description: This term we will be filming our Manaiakalani film festival movies and our teacher has asked us to share our ideas with her. This is the plan that my group came up with about a missing teacher. We also had to present our ideas to the rest of the class which I will share in a separate blog post. Please let me know what you think of my idea!


Who are the main characters in the movie?

Describe each character in detail. 

Khittamai, Filipo, Ace, Frank and Mercy
Khittamai, Frank and Mercy: They are trouble makers. They tell the class to come to the mat to do anything that they want to. 
Ace and Filipo: They are the sensible students who tell the other students not to listen to Frank and Khittamai, Mercy. 
Where is the plan set? Is there more than one location?
Room 10: this is where the students are on the mat and where they are mucking around and playing games. 
Outside: The basketball courts outside of our classroom where the sep=0tudents play when they are supposed to be learning. 

What is the problem?

Miss Parrant has gone missing, she hasn’t been seen for a whole week. 

What are the feelings of the characters?

Some of the students are feeling excited, happy and joyful that they can do what they like. Some of the students are sad and worried about Miss Parrant and where she is. 

What is the action that will be taken to fix 

the problem?

The sensible students try to get the troublemakers to get on with their work as that is what Miss Parrant would want. The sensible children also think they should look for Miss Parrant and try to find her. 

What is the resolution?

Both groups of children come together to find Miss Parrant. They go and ask Mr Someville and he said that Miss Parrant is sick but she will be back soon. 

How to make ice cream

This week I mad ice cream with my class. We were able to try the yummy ice cream and some of us got sprinkles. For this task we had to create detailed instructions so that someone else could make the ice cream. Here are my instructions below:

  • ½ cup cream
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • ½ cup salt
  • 4 cups ice cubes
  • Measuring cups 
  • Measuring spoons 
  • 1 x medium sized snap lock
  • 1 x large sized snap lock bag
  • Tea towel
  1. Get your ingredients and your equipment altogether.
  2. Open the medium plastic bag 
  3. Put ½ cup of cream, 1 tablespoon of sugar and ¼ teaspoon vanilla into the medium plastic bag. 
  4. Seal the medium side plastic bag tight so none of the ingredients fall out.  
  5. Then you get the other bag 
  6. Open the large bag and put in the 4 cups of ice and ½ cup of salt. 
  7. Then you put the little bag in the big bag and make sure to seal the big bag tight. 
  8. And then shake the bags for 10 minutes with a tea towel underneath so that your hands don’t freeze. 
  9. And then you get to eat the ice cream, yum! 

Scientific Method

Scientific Method

WALT: safely conduct an experiment and explain the process and results using the scientific method.
This week we are going to conduct a science experiment using the scientific method to write up the results.  Use the class brainstorm from the jam board if you need extra help.


What are you trying to find out?

Will it dissolve in water?

What do you think will happen?

Salt – yes

Pepper – no

Sugar – yes

Oil – no

Oats – no

Sprinkles – no


What will you need to do the experiment?

You will need:

  • Six cups
  • A pen or pencil
  • Sprinkles
  • Oats
  • Sugar
  • Pepper
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Measuring cups
  • Paper

What steps will you take to do the experiment?

  1. First you need to have six cups and label each of the cups what you will be putting in them. 
  2. Add a teaspoon of one of the ingredients into the labelled cup. 
  3. Do step 2 for each of the cups adding oil, salt, sprinkles, pepper, sugar and oats to each of the cups. 
  4. Add ¼ cup of water to each of the cups 
  5. Using the spoon stir the ingredients 
  6. Watch and see if they dissolve. 

What happened during the experiment?

Ingredient Dissolved Did not dissolve 

What did you find out? Was your prediction correct?

Yes my prediction was correct, the salt and sugar dissolved in the water just like I thought. The sprinkles, oil, oats and pepper did not dissolve just like I thought. One thing that I found interesting was the sprinkles. They did not completely dissolve. The colour of the sprinkles changed to white but they stayed solid at the bottom of the cup. 

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